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Hi Thomas,
ls /dev/i2c* outputs
/dev/i2c-0 /dev/i2c-1 /dev/i2c-10 /dev/i2c-11 /dev/i2c-3
as a consequence, openPlotterMoitessier\ and openplotterMoitessier\ present above mentioned message.
I am running a Pi4B btw. Is that an issue to be clarified with sailoog?
Hello Michael,
does the HAT operate as expected? I think this warning is due to an issue with the configuration file.
Hi Thomas,
there is an issue with the humidity sensor indeed, as you know from our December email conversation (subject: Supportanfrage wg. Moitessier HAT I – PROM CRC invalid). However, the rest is fully functional: temp, IMU, AIS, GPS, FW update …
The odd message appeared just recently and I digged into the code. That message is output from a few .py programs when checking existence of /dev/ic2-0, all related with moitessier
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