Future of Moitessier HAT
Hi there,
please, read our statement about the future of Moitessier HAT.
Rooco's plans with Moitessier HAT

Currently sold out!
The Moitessier HAT is currently sold out. Our distributor is Openmarine.net

Awesome – we hope you’ll like it too!

The Moitessier HAT is currently sold out. Check Openmarine’s Online Shop.

We have prepared a quick installation guide.
You can see it here: Quick Installation Guide
Also OpenPlotter has a good documentation for how to install the HAT: OpenPlotter Docs

Please, tell us what you think about the Moitessier HAT. We encourage you to send any feedback or inquiries via email or contact form. For public review we suggest to write your review on our product review page or directly at our Google business idendity.
Raspberry Pi Case for Moitessier HAT 2
Everything in its right place. The Rooco Raspberry Pi Moitessier Casing 2 has been designed to securely fit your Raspberry Pi 4 with attached Moitessier HAT 2. Makes your perfect OpenPlotter platform complete!
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Latest From Our Blog
Our Plans with Moitessier HAT
Hi, first of all we'd like to thank you that you made it possible for us to create and build the Moitessier HAT. We were overwhelmend by the huge interest on the HAT from you, right after its release. Planned and engineered by our talented engineer Thomas, the HAT...
Rooco Limited Warranty
Rooco warrants that the Moitessier HAT (and Moitessier HAT 2, or generally "HAT") will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of shipment of the HAT to you, the Customer. In the event of a defect covered by this limited...
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