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I had everything working fine, gps, ais, temperature and pressure seem to be working no problem,
but i noticed the magnetic heading and heel/trim information is shown about 1 second after i press the reset sensors, and stops working again.
I have tried enabling uart in openplotter, but the problem persists… (I noticed this disabled the bluetooth on the raspberry pi 3 model B)
Do you have any idea what could cause this, and is there a solution?
The sensors are using I2C, not UART, so no relation to bluetooth.
Have you selected “basic autopilot” in pypilot tab? Use “IMU only” instead. If this does not fix the problem, open a terminal, type openplotter, go to pypilot tab, press Restart and wait for any error in terminal.
Hello, putting it on IMU only works, but since i am using the pypilot as autopilot it should also work on the basic autopilot setting… Any ideas what i can do to make the magnetic heading work in opencpn while in autopilot mode?
i have seen that in the signalk scope it (imu.heading) is still displaying data on the graph, but stops displaying it in opencpn.
when i put it back in imu only, it shows up again in opencpn.
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