Congratulations, to the winner of our promotion!
Denis L. is the winner of a Moitessier HAT 2.
We wish a good and safe journey!
Update, 7 January, 2020:
Promotion to win a Moitessier HAT 2 is over, now.
Update, 8 January, 2020:
The winner has been contacted by us. We are waiting for answer …
Update, 17 January, 2020:
As we did not get a response from the winner within more than a week, we re-did the raffle to get a new candidate (according to our terms of participation).
The winner has been contacted by us. We are waiting for answer …
Update, 18 January, 2020:
And the winner is … 🙂
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(+43) (0)3854 25701
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Wiener Straße 2,
Langenwang, Austria