Seems a fan is needed


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Questions and AnswersCategory: Moitessier HATSeems a fan is needed
StoneCrab asked 4 years ago

I have a Raspberry Pi4 with 4GB and find that my processor temp rises into the warning zone frequently.
Using the Hat and Rooco enclosure doesn’t provide a way to dissipate heat very well.  I realize that using a fan may interfere with radio reception, so what is the answer?  Any large but compatible heat sinks in the works?

1 Answers
Thomas Staff answered 4 years ago

Hello StoneCrab,
we do not provide heat sinks. You could use any commercially available heat sink. Make sure that the heat sink does not touch the circuit board of the HAT.
Our test and validation setup is using a Pi4 2GB and we didn’t face any issues with the heat under normal temperature conditions.
Is your CPU running on full load?



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