Impostazione di Moitessier Hat


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Questions and AnswersCategory: Moitessier HATImpostazione di Moitessier Hat
Gino Fumagalli asked 5 years ago

Quando sara’ possibile installare il nuvo pacchetto con OpenPlotter? (non in riga di comando per i non tecnici)

Gino Fumagalli replied 5 years ago

When it’s possible to install the new package with OpenPlotter? (not in the command line for the non-technical

1 Answers
Thomas Staff answered 5 years ago

Hello Gino,
please ask questions only in English.
If you have already an OpenPlotter image running, you just need to download the proper Moitessier package from
Ensure that you use only packages compatible with your linux kernel. You get the kernel version via the following terminal command:
uname -a
Double click on the downloaded package to start the installation.

Gino Fumagalli replied 5 years ago

Hi Thomas, I apologize for my English. Thank you, fixed it following your instructions. Thanks and good job.


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