Calibration of Hat 2 not possible


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Questions and AnswersCategory: Moitessier HATCalibration of Hat 2 not possible
Fritz Radlmaier asked 5 years ago

I use Raspi 4 b, 2020-01-13-Openplotter-Moitessier-Hat-V2-0: Following exactly the indicated steps of openplotter-compasscalibration- 1. Accelerometer bias, even after 1 our of carefully placeing the sensor on each of the 6 sides of a box i don’t get neither yellow points nor resetting of Calibration age.
Wat can I do else?

2 Answers
Eiko Schröder answered 5 years ago

I have the same issue on Raspi 3b and Hat V2. No accelerometer calibration possible. No yellow points appear. What is going wrong?

Christian Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Eiko,

does installing the latest OpenPlotter version solve your problem?

Eiko Schröder replied 5 years ago

Hi Christian, yes, I have performed the updates just now and the calibration works very well. Many thanks to Fritz and you for your quick support.

Fritz Radlmaier answered 5 years ago

Resolved: After downloading the latest versions of openplotter and of the Hat it works very well.
A calibration is performed after putting the device in any of th six directions and is conclused after about
1 min.
best regards

Christian Staff replied 5 years ago

Thank’s for your input on this topic, Fritz.


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